Morse decoder app android
Morse decoder app android

connect ( on_click_buzzerOff ) # Show the window and run the app w. encode ( str ( '25' ))) # connect the signals to the slots send. encode ( str ( '0' ))) #Buzzer Off Button def on_click_buzzerOff ( self ): bluetooth. encode ( str ( '50' ))) #Laser Off Button def on_click_laserOff ( self ): bluetooth. encode ( str ( '100' ))) #Buzzer On Button def on_click_buzzerOn ( self ): bluetooth.

morse decoder app android

encode ( str ( textboxValue ))) print ( "Sent" ) #Laser On Button def on_click_laserOn ( self ): bluetooth. move ( 20, 120 ) # Create the actions () #send Button def on_click_send ( self ): textboxValue = textbox. resize ( 320, 200 ) # send button send = QPushButton ( 'Send', w ) send. move ( 225, 40 ) # Create textbox textbox = QLineEdit ( w ) textbox. move ( 225, 10 ) #Buzzer off Button buzzerOff = QPushButton ( 'Buzzer off', w ) buzzerOff. move ( 20, 40 ) #Laser off Button laserOff = QPushButton ( 'Laser off', w ) laserOff. move ( 20, 10 ) #Buzzer on Button buzzerOn = QPushButton ( 'Buzzer on', w ) buzzerOn. setWindowTitle ( 'Morse Code' ) #Laser on Button laserOn = QPushButton ( 'Laser on', w ) laserOn. flushInput () # create window app = QApplication ( sys.

#Morse decoder app android serial#

#this Code was written by Ahmed Harbi on June.2018 import sys from PyQt4.QtCore import pyqtSlot from PyQt4.QtGui import * import serial import time #define Bluetooth Device port = "COM8" bluetooth = serial. waitKey ( 1 ) & 0xff if k = 27 : break cv2. imshow ( 'Morse Code', blur ) #Press ESC to end the program k = cv2. encode ( str ( text ))) print ( text ) break #show captured cv2. remove ( filtered ) #Skip unwanted readed data if text. open ( filtered )) #Delete saved picture os. With a lots of settings you can set Morse Trainer to your current experience level. Improve your cw speed away from your radio or computer. Ebook mode: Text files can be loaded from SD card. imwrite ( filtered, blur ) #export text from saved photo text = pytesseract. Own text mode: Enter your own text and Morse Trainer will play it over and over again. medianBlur ( threshold, 3 ) #save filtered photo filtered = 'filtered.png' cv2. NEW FEATURES ADDED: - Practice and learn Morse code.

morse decoder app android

Give this app a try immediately and enjoy its fabulous design and great functionality. If you need to convert Morse Code into regular text, that is also possible. THRESH_OTSU ) #save data into numerical tuple #Use median filter and remove noise blur = cv2. This app will convert any text into Morse Code which you can transmit via flashlight, screen blinking, vibration and sound effects. COLOR_BGR2GRAY ) #Apply thrsholding #Otsu to reduce the graylevel & Binary to change in B\W image threshold = cv2. read () #noise filtration #Change color space into Gray gray = cv2. VideoCapture ( 0 ) while ( True ): #read each frame in the loop as image image = cap. flushInput () #Stored Words stored = #open the webcam and capture a video cap = cv2. # this code was written by Ahmed Harbi & Omar Ghonim on FEB.2018 import cv2 import pytesseract import os from PIL import Image import serial #Define Bluetooth port = "COM8" bluetooth = serial. This Code written by Ahmed Harbi on August.2018 // Defined Laser & Buzzer #define Laser 13 #define Buzzer 9 // Enter Morse Code Library char * MorseCode = /*Problems: *1.cann't control laser or buzzer itself */

Morse decoder app android